Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Christmas Creativity

This post is directly related to the guilt-trip Nicole put on me for abandoning the blog.  Believe me when I say I'm not abandoning it, I just haven't had much to say lately. Lots of chaos in the personal realm leads to little to no creativity for me.

However, for Christmas presents this year for the kids friends we did make fleece hats. These are incredibly easy and turn out so adorable. Take a look,
All I did was cut a rectangle out of fleece measured to head size, sew the ends together length wise to make a tube.  Then with scraps tie the top together and cut into shreds for the top plume. I also rolled over the bottom cuff for effect (cute if doubling up the fleece for a reversible look and warmth:)
If you can't decipher my directions I found a link to directions..
Check it out HERE

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Techno Tuesday

While I've been off making pottery for the 3rd Annual Give Good Art Sale and not writing or posting photos here, I have discovered a cool blog called Techno Tuesday. It's an online comic strip that "began as an exercise in drawing comics and complaining. In fact it still is, after it’s inception in January of 2006. The comic is based on technology and the modern world." Being that I often find myself pondering the social implications of all of this technology, I found it especially enjoyable.

The artist, Andy Rementer, actually contacted me at work yesterday to tell me he had drawn one of Rejuvenation's mid-century modern pendants called the Astron, in his most recent comic. I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd share it here. Check out his blog and let me know what you think, or just comment on our blog in general.

Does anybody actually read this thing? Bueller? Bueller?