Monday, July 26, 2010

Art Sale-

I was a pottery making fool for a few weeks leading up to the art sale, which is already 10 days in the past. It was a great exercise in really pushing myself to make quantities of something. Anything. I kept the forms simple; lots of plates and bowls. I see a lot more platter throwing in my future. I'm digging using them as small canvases for shadow panting. I also became slightly obsessed with creating cake plates, of course making them and actually ushering them through the process to completion proved to be challenging... problematic even. Of the five I made three of them cracked while drying, one developed a severe list making it quite lopsided, and the one that was somewhat acceptable didn't make it into the kiln on time. I'll pick up with these again soon.

While the sale itself wasn't as well attended as we'd hoped, the folks that did come by were enthusiastic about what they saw. I was asked several times- "do you have a website or business card?" To which the answer is no. I guess I should get on that if I truly want to be a real artist when I grow up. One thing at a time though. As I'd mentioned at the conception of this blog, I'm a bit of a shy artist. This sale is only the second time I've actively showed my work in the hopes of selling it. I walked away feeling very validated and I got to spend the day with some amazingly talented folks.

Without further adieu here are some photos of the 11th & Boise Summer Art Sale:

My Shadow Plates

I carved the rim of this plate to mimic portions of the Portland Skyline. It's actually based on a sketch I did while biking along the waterfront last summer. It was my prototype and I planned to perfect it using this one as an example, but it was one of the first things I sold! So I guess I'll be starting from scratch. Not a bad problem to have.
These plates were done last minute- the last things that went in the kiln. It was pure experimentation- throwing caution to the wind and thankfully they worked out extremely well.

My display. Made of plexi glass and two teak step ladders from my Smith & Hawken days.

I guess I should probably start making art now for the holiday sale in November...

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